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Creating Movement Opportunities for Students with Streamers

Often I like to provide students opportunities to create movement to different pieces we have been working on. I have often found that after a great deal of time has been spent on exploring different Laban themes (great article found online), students can be very creative and successful in the creation of their own movement. At times, the students like to add to their performance, sometimes adding props, other times scarves.

With that, I set out to make another item available to my students for discovery. While looking through different catalogs and at different ideas, I decided to make some streamers for my students. A trip to Home Depot and WalMart for supplies was in order.

Home Depot carries several colors of Flagging Tape and WalMart is where I picked up the holders (better known as shower rings).



Once I had my materials, I had to decide how long to make them. I actually ended up making two sets- one for my younger students and one for my older students. Length was a concern so that the younger ones would not step or trip on them. The total cost for 48 streamers was right around $15.00.

Below you will see the steps for making.

Step 1:


Step 2:


Step 3:


Step 4:


Step 5:


With the three colors, I switched them around so that. I would have different colored schemes and different looking streamers.

Here are pictures of the final product. The students absolutely love these. Well worth the time and effort put into making to see students shine with pride!



The ad below has nothing to do with this post.

Teach Music….Boost Reading Information and Poster Creation

We are often asked as music teachers how we can help “support the team” to help students become more literate and better readers.  There has been much discussion lately on social media regarding the following points:

-Teaching Music for Music’s Sake

-Teaching Reading and Math through Music

I truly believe that we can do both.  It really boils down to transfer of skills and labeling what we do.  Many times we simply are not aware of the “regular education” terminology and struggle to find that point to “fit in”.

As I was scouring the internet for information and terminology that works in teaching music and teaching reading and math, I came across the following article on NAfME: Teach Music – Boost Reading .

I think it is vitally important that we get this information posted in our classroom so that all of our stakeholders can see the correlation between Music and Reading.  With that, I created a poster this afternoon.

Click the next link to see the poster I created:

Poster: Teach Music….Boost Reading

I created this poster with the app Fingerpaint on my ipad and pages on my mac.  I uploaded the background from Fingerpaint into pages and then added two text boxes and the text.

The AD below has nothing to do with this post.

Centers, Intrigued Students and the General Music Classroom ~ Oh, My!

With great anticipation I have set out over the past couple of years to find meaningful center activities for the music classroom. After incorporating Dr. John Feierabend’s Conversational Solfege it was an easy task to be creative.

As we are currently working on songs and rhythms that correlate with Unit 2, I like to go back and refresh unit 1. With that, I set out the following 8 centers today to begin rotations on. I love this- an opportunity for me to really understand and grasp what they know and what they don’t know.



Center 1 – Students worked at the interactive board to pull up and create patterns. This was a chart that I created off of a template.




Center 2– Students worked on the rhythms using body percussion and vocal sounds. I ran off the patterns, wrote in different body percussion/ vocal sounds, glued and laminated.




Center 3– Students created a sequence or pattern by taking a stick out of the container in rotation. I purchased the sticks at a craft store- they are mini, used a sharpie to write a quarter, beamed eighths or B on sticks. I idea per stick. Kids pull one out at a time and lay down in front of them saying the complete pattern. If the student pulls out a “B” he/she pick all sticks up in front of him/her and places back in container and starts over.




Center 4– Students opened the jelly bean, read the rhythm, put the rhythm back in the jelly bean, returned bean to container, picked up rhythm sticks and played the rhythm. This took some effort and concentration to remember the pattern. Students also took the pattern, played it and created another 4 beats to go with it.




Center 5– Students rolled 4 dice (which had quarter, beamed eights on), choose the order and then notated with Popsicle sticks.




Center 6-Students had a stack of rhythm cards and tic-tac-toe boards. They could play tic-tac-toe, four corners or each could take a board and play blackout if there were three in their group.



Center 7-Students choose cards and created their own “candy bar” songs. Students would say the candy bar songs using candy bar names and the rhythms. Cards were found here:




Center 8-Students played board games using the rhythms patterns. I found the game boards and blank cards at: I then used a notation font, rewrote all the rhythms and cut and pasted them into the cards.




The kids absolutely love this. I enjoy it as well as it gives me time to build relationships and help each child feel success. I have many, many more center ideas and will post as I use them. I have been using centers in the music classroom for 6 years now with great success.

The video below has nothing to do with this post.

#Musedchat Archive May 28th Rehash/Discussion of use in Classroom of Chapters 1-8 “The Ways Children Learn Music” by Eric Bluestine

 Twitter Archive

#musedchat Monday May 28, 2012
Chapter 1-8discussion/rehash of “The Ways Children Learn Music” by Eric Bluestine
Spent time discussing ways to use in classroom. Next week chapters 10/11 -Informal/Formal Instruction

Scroll to the bottom to find the beginning of the chat.

1m Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
You are most welcome! RT @rizzrazz: @mrstoben Thanks again. Have a great week. #musedchat

2m Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
As in I am out of school for the summer. Not #musedchat is out for the summer. #musedchat

2m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Take care all and have a great night! We are out for the summer. #musedchat

2m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Good night! Back to school tomorrow! RT @jefftillinghast: Thanks, all! #musedchat #nochat

2m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Chapter 10/11Informal and Formal Instruction? #musedchat

3m JeffTillinghast‏@jefftillinghast Thanks, all! #musedchat #nochat

3m Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben Thanks again. Have a great week. #musedchat

3m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Thanks you too! @mrstoben @rizzrazz RT @TriToneJones: G’night everyone! Have a great week! #musedchat

3m Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz @TriToneJones Gnight all. #musedchat

3m PatToben‏@mrstoben
So are we onto Curriculum Reform next week? #musedchat

4m Jason Luciana ‏@TriToneJones
G’night everyone! Have a great week! #musedchat

4m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi

Thanks @teachmusic2kids RT @rizzrazz: Got lots more when I have time to load it up #musedchat

4m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@TriToneJones Yes. Come to my workshop. That’s when I wear the tight pants. )-:#musedchat

4m cantatedomino ‏@lindagaboardi
RT @TriToneJones:@rizzrazz @TeachMusic2Kids Are we going to start seeing you in a superhero suit jumping from rooftop to rooftop? #musedchat

4m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@lindagaboardi Got lots more when I have time to load it up #musedchat

4m JasonLuciana‏@TriToneJones
@rizzrazz @TeachMusic2Kids Are we going to start seeing you in a superhero suit jumping from rooftop to rooftop? #musedchat

4m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
RT @lindagaboardi: Thanks! @rizzrazz@teachmusic2kids RT @TeachMusic2Kids: I Go To Bed via #musedchat utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=twitter&utm_content=http://

5m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Thanks! @rizzrazz RT @TeachMusic2Kids: I Go To Bed via #musedchat http:// utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=twitter&utm_content=http://

5m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@TeachMusic2Kids My alternate ego now on Twitter #musedchat

5m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Thanks for all of the discussion tonight and welcome to our new friends. Follow some new people today! #musedchat

6m TeachMusicToKids‏@TeachMusic2Kids
I Go To Bed via #musedchat utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=twitter&utm_content=http://

6m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
@mrstoben It’s an accelerated Learning Sequence. It works for older kids, but not as thorough. But I love it. #musedchat

6m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Any last thoughts or questions? I will get an archive up in the next day or so. #musedchat

7m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Older kids wanna peek. ):RT @rizzrazz: @TriToneJones Turn your back and play. LEt their ears do the work. #musedchat

8m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@TriToneJones Turn your back and play. LEt their ears do the work. #musedchat

8m cantatedomino ‏@lindagaboardi
Do you use a recorder method? RT @mrstoben: I have looked at the recorder book. #musedchat

8m PatToben‏@mrstoben
@lindagaboardi I have looked at the recorder book. #musedchat

9m JasonLuciana‏@TriToneJones
@rizzrazz Man, awesome point…HATE starting my class with staff, etc…I want my students to be able to HEAR what we learn #musedchat

9m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Is there a published sequence anywhere? What is it based off of? #musedchat

10m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Agree RT @rizzrazz: You’ve then ruined Learning Sequence. #musedchat

10m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
as soon as they look they lose the ability 2listen RT @rizzrazz: Alert: It’s very difficult to go back #musedchat

10m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
You’ve then ruined Learning Sequence. #musedchat

11m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
I add it all together. RT @mrstoben: Much more exciting then high/low, soft/loud, fast/slow #musedchat

10m Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz
Alert: this makes most mad. After you’ve introduced theory. Lines/spaces, counting. It’s very difficult to go back #musedchat

11m PatToben‏@mrstoben
What is theory when you don’t aurally understand or have the patterns in your rep.? #musedchat

11m Jeff Tillinghast ‏@jefftillinghast
@rizzrazz Rep w/ understanding is key. Rep should come from artistic idea, then bend to fit age/ skill appropriateness. #musedchat #nochat

11m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
SABOTAGE! RT @rizzrazz: We haven’t read as much, but after school tchers r doing Theory. BOO! #musedchat

11m PatToben‏@mrstoben
I enjoy seeing the younger ssenjoy music when teaching this way. Much more exciting then high/ low, soft/loud, fast/slow #musedchat

12m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
My 3rd and 4th Ss improvise and are very good at creating. We haven’t read as much, but after school tchers r doing Theory. BOO! #musedchat

 12m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
They’d b way more musically literate than I! RT @mrstoben: Imagine if they had all of these patterns in their rep. #musedchat13m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Imagine the musicians we could/would have at the MS?HS level if they had all of these patterns in their rep. #musedchat

13m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
I agree- I like that it is now stated RT @rizzrazz:Maybe didn’t teach it outright, but it’s part of why he developed LSA #musedchat

14m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@jefftillinghast Right, goal isn’t to sing scales. Scales are theory. BUt, Rep first, patterns second, then rep with undrstndg #musedchat

14m PatToben‏@mrstoben
RT @jefftillinghast: If you look @w-p-w they are hearing it, then parts, then back to the whole. Like language. #musedchat

15m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
I agree- but I tried and got canned- I diodn’t work fast enbough for results to show. one a week part time (:very sad @mrstoben: #musedchat

15m JeffTillinghast‏@jefftillinghast
@mrstoben Isn’t it the other way around? Patterns/seq. help to understand/intuit rep. Goal isn’t “sing a major scale” #musedchat #nochat

15m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@lindagaboardi It’s in there back in 86anyway. Maybe didn’t teach it outright, but it’s part of why he developed LSA #musedchat

16m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
I like that- makes sense.RT @rizzrazz: @mrstoben Whole -Part -Whole #musedchat

16m PatToben‏@mrstoben..they are hungry to know what is going on and how the ss are able to do what they are doing. #musedchat

16m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Gordon didn’t teach that back in early 90s. Think Azzarra intro’ed it. RT @rizzrazz: @mrstoben Whole -Part -Whole #musedchat

16m PatToben‏@mrstoben
I honestly don’t believe that you have to have full district buy-in. Once you start it and people see results… #musedchat

17m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Right. I should have stated that to start with. #musedchat

17m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben Whole -Part -Whole #musedchat

17m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
ExactlyRT @mrstoben: Ok -but in that loads of rep aren’t you setting them up 4patterns/ sequences that you will be working on? #musedchat

18m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
Yes. WRT @mrstoben: Ok -but in that loads of rep aren’t you setting them up for patterns/ sequences that you will be working on? #musedchat

18m PatToben‏@mrstoben
@jguarr Welcome. Continued discussion/reflection chapters 1-8and how we put into use in classrooms. #musedchat

18m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
@TriToneJones Never had that pleasure- always the odd man out! #musedchat

18m Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
Ok -but in that loads of rep aren’t you setting them up for patterns/sequences that you will be working on? #musedchat

19m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Agree RT @rizzrazz: @mrstoben must have enough listening and singing vocabulary -in all the modes before you teach any #musedchat

19m JoeGuarr‏@jguarr
Late to the #musedchat party tonight, long Memorial Day. What are we chatting about?

19m JasonLuciana‏@TriToneJones
Agreed RT @lindagaboardi: Sorry 2say-gotta get everybody on board 1st! #musedchat

19m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben any tonality or meter. They need to be listening and singing load of repertoire first. Then do LSA in conjunction with #musedchat

20m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Sorry 2say-gotta get everybody on board 1st! RT @mrstoben: How do you build district curriculum revolving around this research? #musedchat

20m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben BUT, you must have enough listening and singing vocabulary –repertoire–in all the modes before you teach any . . .#musedchat

20m JeffTillinghast‏@jefftillinghast
@mrstoben An artistic statement or idea first. Words exist to express meaning, not build sentences. #musedchat #nochat

20m PatToben‏@mrstoben
How do you build district curriculum revolving around this research? #musedchat

21m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
I like to follow the sequence. But introduce new ton./met.thru songs RT @mrstoben: #musedchat

21m PatToben‏@mrstoben What is the ideal? #musedchat

22m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
No. RT @mrstoben: Is the ideal to figure out rhythmic and tonal sequences that you want to teach and find material that revolves #musedchat

22m Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
Is the ideal to figure out rhythmic and tonal sequences that you want to teach and find material that revolves around that? #musedchat

23m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Kodaly book has some good modal stuff. Every hear Postman Postman- lydian? RT @rizzrazz: My own. Doug Nichols. A few out there. #Musedchat

23m PatToben‏@mrstoben
When I say 1st/2nd graders can do this and that -I get a look of “that doesn’t happen until they are in 5th grade” #musedchat

24m PatToben‏@mrstoben
I am amazed at how quickly ss are able to put patterns/ music together after working through the aural part. #musedchat

25m PatToben‏@mrstoben
RYou are welcome! T @jefftillinghast: @mrstoben Yep! Very useful– thanks for putting those together! #musedchat #nochat

25m PatToben‏@mrstoben
I can’t imagine what a K-12 curr in this would do for students! #musedchat

25m Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz
@lindagaboardi My own. Doug Nichols. A few out there. Scarborough Fair, Gilligan’s Island, Drunken Sailor or Bow Belinda. #Musedchat

25m JeffTillinghast‏@jefftillinghast
@mrstoben Yep! Very useful– thanks for putting those together! #musedchat #nochat

26m PatToben‏@mrstoben
@rizzrazz I found the notation part to be a breeze once they aurally knew and recognized the patterns. It is amazing! #musedchat

26m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
What tunes do you like 4other modes?RT @rizzrazz: Even without Verbal assoc, K’s distinguish 4resting tones, 5different meters #Musedchat

26m PatToben‏@mrstoben
@jefftillinghast Did you see archive links? #musedchat

26m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben Hold off on notation until they have 6series of tonal and rhythm patterns with verbal association down pat. #musedchat

26m PatToben‏@mrstoben
I know many band directors that R looking for a change. We need to be cohesive dept. &move forward! #musedchat

26m Jeff Tillinghast ‏@jefftillinghast
@mrstoben Haven’t read the book, and am out of the classroom now, so I’m enjoying the conversation (and taking notes!) #musedchat #nochat

27m PatToben‏@mrstoben
@rizzrazz Do you get much into notation? #musedchat

27m Jeff Tillinghast ‏@jefftillinghast
@mrstoben Appreciate it. Really looking forward to learning about current state of mused research. #musedchat #nochat

27m PatToben‏@mrstoben Hear ….LOL here! #musedchat

28m PatToben‏@mrstoben
@TriToneJones You are hear trying to get information. That is good! #musedchat

28m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Incredible. RT @rizzrazz: @lindagaboardi Even without Verbal assoc, K’s distinguish 4resting tones, 5different meters #Musedchat

28m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@lindagaboardi Even without Verbal assoc, K’s distinguish 4resting tones, 5different meters #Musedchat

28m PatToben‏@mrstoben
@jefftillinghast Want to make sure we are meeting needs, questions, concerns, here. #musedchat

29m PatToben‏@mrstoben
@jefftillinghast What are you looking to get out of this chat? #Musedchat

29m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben great link for that. Don’t think I’ll be changing tho. #musedchat

30m Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
I can’t believe that I didn’t run into this material until 4yr ago. It aligns w/ how we learn lang. Why wouldn’t we use it #musedchat

30m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Awesome!RT @rizzrazz: @mrstoben I start at birth.Some 5year olds are well into audiation. So I dabble in Verbal Assoc with them. #Musedchat

31m PatToben‏@mrstoben
@rizzrazz Check this out #musedchat

32m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben How do they do with unusual or triple? #musedchat

32m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Doesn’t have any assoc. with instrumental artic.RT @rizzrazz: @mrstoben TaKaDiMi is harder on young children’s mouth coordination #musedchat

32m JasonLuciana‏@TriToneJones
Our middle school choral teacher is big into conversational solfege. Feel like I’m behind the times… #musedchat

33m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
It’s a mouthful! RT @rizzrazz: @mrstoben TaKaDiMi is harder on young children’s mouth coordination #musedchat

33m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
It also pays off for instrumetnalists later. RT @mrstoben: i but also like how Du system rolls of the tongue. #musedchat

34m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben TaKaDiMi is harder on young children’s mouth coordination #musedchat

34m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Oh yeah! RT @rizzrazz: @TriToneJones Sing tonal patterns of the functions that are in your choral lit that your Ss sing. #musedchat

34m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Really, really like the beat based Ta-Ka-Di-Mi but also like how Du system rolls of the tongue. #musedchat

34m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Gordon is a jazzer and the “du” has a more relaxed feel. RT @mrstoben: I am really debating between Gordon and Ta-Ka-Di-Mi #musedchat

34m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@TriToneJones Sing tonal patterns of the functions that are in your choral lit that your Ss sing. #musedchat

34m PatToben‏@mrstoben
I am really debating between Gordon and Ta-Ka-Di-Mi #musedchat

34m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Cuz the tunes are excellent! RT @rizzrazz: @lindagaboardi I play Conversation Solf. tracks for babies up through 8#Musedchat

35m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
I’m on a mission 2change all rhythm syll to Gordon! RT @mrstoben: I think it is good to get material from all angles #musedchat

35m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Conversational Solfege follows many of the same steps as Gordon -just limited tonalities and meters. #musedchat

35m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@lindagaboardi I play Conversation Solf. tracks for babies up through 8#Musedchat

35m JasonLuciana‏@TriToneJones
@rizzrazz I actually don’t at this time but would love to expand knowledge about them &use them as frequently as I can/should. #musedchat

36m PatToben‏@mrstoben
I think it is good to get material from all angles and figure out what is best for your program/ students. #musedchat

36m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
referring to Conv. Solf. only RT @rizzrazz: @mrstoben I start at birth. So I dabble in Verbal Assoc with them. #Musedchat

36m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Don’t switch! )-;RT @mrstoben: Expanding my knowledge baseby attending a Carol Krueger 3 day intensive workshop. #Musedchat

@mrstoben @lindagaboardi I start at birth. Some 5year olds are well into audiation. So I dabble in Verbal Assoc with them. #Musedchat

37m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Expanding my knowledge base in a couple of weeks by attending a Carol Krueger 3day intensive workshop. #Musedchat

37m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Always du-ba-bi-du-be for me! RT @mrstoben: and Krueger hashad several discussions with Gordon over the whole counting system. #musedchat

37m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben The teacher needs to believe that it is worth the effort to use. Then kids follow suit. #musedchat

38m PatToben‏@mrstoben
@lindagaboardi I think @rizzrazz starts way before 1st grade #musedchat

38m PatToben‏@mrstoben
@lindagaboardi I believe you need to put it into place when the kids are ready. They are hungry for it. #musedchat

38m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz @Allysonntdfb url broken #Musedchat

38m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Real live music, as opposed to contrived to accompl. various ton. &meters RT @rizzrazz: For choral too? #Musedchat

38m PatToben‏@mrstoben
I think with our mixed populations we really need to look at adding in more meters, tonalities. #musedchat

39m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
I believe Grade 2start is recommended. RT @mrstoben: I start in 1st grade with Conversational Solfege 1#musedchat

39m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
I was just thinking abt his folk tunes. RT @rizzrazz: @lindagaboardi That was supposed to be a questions .For choral too? #Musedchat

39m PatToben‏@mrstoben
I start in 1st grade with Conversational Solfege 1#musedchat

40m PatToben‏@mrstoben
and Krueger has stated that she has had several discussions with Gordon over the whole counting system. Gordon vs. Ta-ka-di-mi. #musedchat

40m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@lindagaboardi That was supposed to be a questions .For choral too? #Musedchat

41m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Secondary level? Did you start w/ book ?1RT @mrstoben:started with Conversational Solfege of Fierabend just to get my feet wet! #musedchat

41m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Thus my reason to start looking a little harder at Gordon’s materials. Feierabend studied w/ Gordon #musedchat

41m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@lindagaboardi for choral too. I know about Conversational Solfege. #Musedchat

41m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
I agree. RT @mrstoben: The games, sequences etc., for building music literacy are really liked by the students #musedchat

42m PatToben‏@mrstoben
The games, sequences etc., for building music literacy are really liked by the students #musedchat

42m cantatedomino ‏@lindagaboardi
But he uses real live music RT @rizzrazz: @mrstoben Although Fierabend uses limited number of tonalities and meters. #Musedchat

42m PatToben‏@mrstoben
I started with Conversational Solfege of Fierabend just to get my feet wet! #musedchat

42m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Choral dir. uses lots of Feierabend in my daughter’s choir classes. She loves it. RT @mrstoben: Also add to the Feierabend #Musedchat

43m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben Although Fierabend uses limited number of tonalities and meters. Good exercises though. #Musedchat

43m JeffTillinghast‏@jefftillinghast
Taught choral/instrumental music, Tech., AP Theory, Percussion, Appreciation. Now Dir. of Technology for Int’l K-12 school. #musedchat

43m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Would like to know more. RT @mrstoben: Has anyone done any cross-research etc., with Gordon and what Carol Krueger is doing? #musedchat

43m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Also add to the Feierabend #Musedchat

43m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
It is challenging to my own musicianship, too.RT @mrstoben: I think the process is very empowering! #musedchat

43m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Has anyone done any cross-research etc., with Gordon and what Carol Krueger is doing? #musedchat

44m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Great for warm ups and analyzing. RT @rizzrazz: @TriToneJones Do you use any Learning Sequence Activities in chorus? #musedchat

44m PatToben‏@mrstoben
I think the process is very empowering! I still feel like I don’t put enough tonalities, meters out there. #musedchat

45m Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz
@TriToneJones Do you use any Learning Sequence Activities in chorus? #musedchat

45m Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
Or are there ways that you have used it? #musedchat

45m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz @lindagaboardi Hey. Same to you. #musedchat

45m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Thanks! Glad to be here! RT @mrstoben: @lindagaboardi Welcome to #musedchat

45m PatToben‏@mrstoben
How do you feel this could be used at the HS Choral level? #musedchat

46m PatToben‏@mrstoben @lindagaboardi Welcome to #musedchat

46m cantatedomino‏@lindagaboardi
Hi everybody! Happy Memorial Day! RT @rizzrazz: @mrstoben bring it on, friend #musedchat

46m Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
Who is familiar with the 8steps of music literacy as defined by the book? #musedchat

46m Jason Luciana ‏@TriToneJones
High school choral music, Theory I, Popular Music 1920-Present, Drama #musedchat

47m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Those of you on tonight what do you teach? How could this impact your curriculum? #musedchat

48m PatToben‏@mrstoben
cont. it would be so much easier and they would play so much more expressively and musically. #musedchat

48m PatToben‏@mrstoben
I think we spend so much time wrestling with note reading, learning a new instrument, etc., that if kids had an “aural” lang. #musedchat

49m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Coming from the band world to general music I really see some valid ideas and ways with Gordon’s research. #musedchat

50m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Any thoughts or questions re: “The Ways Children Learn Music” #musedchat

50m JasonLuciana‏@TriToneJones
@mrstoben Thanks! Good to be back in the Twitterverse again. #musedchat

50m Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz @mrstoben bring it on, friend #musedchat

50m Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
@rizzrazz Are you ready for #musedchat

51m PatToben‏@mrstoben @jefftillinghast Welcome to #Musedchat

51m PatToben‏@mrstoben
@TriToneJones Welcome back! #musedchat

51m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Archives: #musedchat

 53m JasonLuciana‏@TriToneJones
Bummer. Haven’t been around so haven’t read the book, but I’ll follow the thread and pick it up ASAP. #musedchat53m PatToben‏@mrstoben
With that, do we want to continue that discussion this evening? #musedchat

54m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Review of chapt 1-8and practical ways that steps 1-8are used in the classroom #musedchat

54m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Ok. #musedchat We have been discussing “The Ways Children Learn Music” most indicated they wanted a review wk this wk

54m JeffTillinghast‏@jefftillinghast #musedchat Looking forward to it!

55m JasonLuciana‏@TriToneJones
Indeed. #musedchat My first in a few months.

55m Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
RT @jefftillinghast: @mrstoben I’m game if anyone else is… #musedchat

57m EricRasmussen‏@rizzrazz @mrstoben hey #musedchat

57m PatToben‏@mrstoben
Anyone else on for #musedchat tonight?

#Musedchat Archive May 14th, 2012 Discussion of Chapters 3-5 “The Ways Children Learn Music” by Eric Bluestine

Twitter Archive
#musedchat Monday May ,142012
Chapter 3-5discussion of “The Ways Children Learn Music” by Eric Bluestine

This past Monday night I had the unique opportunity to moderate #musedchat.  For May we decided to read the book “The Ways Children Learn Music” and discuss it via the chat.  Even if you don’t have the book, you are welcome to join in on Monday evenings.  Thanks to all that participate.

Scroll to the bottom to find the beginning of the chat.

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Some new folks on #musedchat tonight. Follow new peeps! #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
RT @mrstoben: continue the discussion-we hv several #MLT educators on the network. #musedchat Read my blog if you hvnt.

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Please, please continue the discussion -we have several #MLT educators on the network. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Thanks to all of you for the healthy discussion this evening trying to make music education better for our kids! #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏ @mrstoben Where’s ANdy?? #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Thanks to @jguarr for giving me the opportunity to drive this train this evening! #musedchat

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
Does anyone know how to archive this chat? #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben Thank you,, Pat. Nice job. #musedchat

14May cantatedomino ‏@lindagaboardi
“@mrstoben: Thank you to everyone involved tonight, chatting and lurking! This is how we serve our kids best. #musedchat” thanks!

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Thank you to everyone involved tonight, chatting and lurking! This is how we serve our kids best. #musedchat

14May cantatedomino lindagaboardi@‏
“@rizzrazz @mrstoben PS is key. Doing patterns in fam order 1st. Then introduce them in notation.Then unfamlr ordr #musedchat” Unf ord 4A/O

14May Sarah Mayer ‏@musiced20 @mrstoben Works for me. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
I threw a ton of questions in short order! Thoughts? Do we want to tackle chapters 6-9for next Monday? #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@lindagaboardi It may measure progression and regression as well. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
What do you think of this format? #musedchat

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
We are sitting at an hour for discussion. I think we have had some fantastic thoughts put out tonight! #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@mrstoben Partiall synthesis is key. Doing patterns in familiiar order first. Then introduce them in notation. Then unfamlr ordr #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Anything else to add or ?’s re: Chapter ?5#musedchat

14May Jeff Tillinghast jefftillinghast@‏
@mrstoben past ,9env. may not affect pure cognitive capacity, but env. is monstrously huge in attitude, support and experiences. #musedchat

14May cantatedomino lindagaboardi@‏

“@mrstoben: @minormusic Many schools (colleges) are moving away from traditional counting in favor of other systems. #musedchat” yay!

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Q15 Music is an aural art. Sound, sight,theory. How do you develop independence of the ear from the eye? #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Chapter 5 -Audiation Skills Q 14What are some activities you do in your classroom to develop audiation skills? #musedchat

14May cantatedomino lindagaboardi@‏
“@rizzrazz: @mrstoben once I understand the child, I don’t use it. #musedchat” I think it measures growth beginning to end &yr 2yr

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
We are down to the last 5minutes so I am throwing questions pretty fast. Unless you have more time? #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@mrstoben Not, NO relationship. Just a small one. Less than 20.depending on the intellectual measure. Some up to 30.#musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Q13 Anything else to add or ?’s re: Chapter ?4#musedchat

14May Sarah Mayer musiced20@‏
@mrstoben I don’t think the environment should change even if it doesn’t help according to research. Create a musical environment #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben A11 Aptitude will not change much after age ,7not at all after 8or .9I’ve tried. Achievement better change regarls! #musedchat

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
Q12 According to bk -No relationship between music aptitude and intellectual ability or academic achievement. Thoughts? #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Q 11According to bk -Age 9-environment no longer affects child’s potential to achieve in music. Thoughts? #musedchat

14May cantatedomino ‏@lindagaboardi
“@rizzrazz: @lindagaboardi Also, do harmonic functions of the songs–roots and arpeggiated with harmonic rhythm. #musedchat” like!

14May Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben No, once I understand the child, I don’t use it. It’s only 1measure but it’s important to understand individual diffs #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Q10 Continued… Define rich musical environment. #musedchat

14May cantatedomino ‏@lindagaboardi
“@rizzrazz: Whole part Whole. Sing the song. Do tonal patterns or rhythm patterns in tonality or meter of the song.. #musedchat OK I do that

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Q10 Music Aptitude-Nature and Nurture What are ways to expose children to a rich musical environment? #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz
@lindagaboardi Also, do harmonic functions of the songs–roots and arpeggiated with harmonic rhythm. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
@rizzrazz Do you use every year and compare data on each child? #musedchat

14May cantatedomino lindagaboardi@‏
@rizzrazz @mrstoben #musedchat I’ve used PMMA IMMA

14May Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz
@lindagaboardi Whole part Whole. Sing the song. Do tonal patterns or rhythm patterns in tonality or meter of the song. . .#musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@mrstoben All of the above. PMMA IMMA MAP Audie HIRR, not RIRR #musedchat

14May cantatedomino lindagaboardi@‏
“@mrstoben: Any thoughts on Q7 A, B and C regarding Whole Part Whole? #musedchat” I need backgrnd on this -sorry didn’t read

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Chapter 4Q9 How do we measure potential to achieve? IMMA, MAP, etc. What have you used? Successes/Challenges? #musedchat

14May cantatedomino ‏@lindagaboardi
@rizzrazz @mustangslu I think it would work with instrumental series and older kids #musedchat

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
Q7 When are kids ready for pattern instruction? How much time do you spend exposing , progression for meter/tonalities #musedchat

14May cantatedomino lindagaboardi@‏
@mrstoben @rizzrazz @lindagaboardi: @mrstoben @rizzrazz but in tonal patterns I use a short pause for thought and breath #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Any thoughts on Q7 A, B and C regarding Whole Part Whole? #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Q8 Anything else to add or ?’s re: Chapter ?3#musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
I know I am pushing fast -read through chapters and created some questions for guide points. #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@mustangslu This can be distracting and doesn’t adhere to the time b’n recommendation. Still fun technique. #musedchat

14May Carol Costantino minormusic@‏
@rizzrazz true. Philosophy of music ed needs to be driven by the needs of the ss. Procedures can change. Objectives should not. #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@jefftillinghast True, tonal and rhythm achievement usually do not necessaarily parallel each other. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Q7 C –What is the progression for meters/tonalities? #Musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Q7 B -How much time do you spend exposing ss to many songs &recorded examples in different meter/tonalities? #Musedchat

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
Q7 Whole Part Whole -How do you know when ss are ready for pattern instruction? #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
@rizzrazz That is what I thought- thought I saw somewhere there should be time-lapse so they are not just repeat but audiating. #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben Time Lapse in rhythm pattern responses should be zero. S come in on the next macro, or if pickup, on the micro or div. #musedchat

14May Sally Utley mustangslu@‏
Tcher holds koosh ball/sings song. At end of song sing/chant pattern/toss ball Ball in air=whole class Ball to stu=indiv respon #musedchat

14May cantatedomino lindagaboardi@‏
“@mrstoben: @lindagaboardi glad you are here. #musedchat”. TY glad to be here

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
@minormusic Many schools (colleges) are moving away from traditional counting in favor of other systems. #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@mrstoben Time lapse in between should be less than the time to sing the tonal pattern. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏ @lindagaboardi glad you are here. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
Leading in Q6 Establish tonality-sing 2/3note patterns-s echo. Time lapse between? Audiation vs. rote #musedchat

14May cantatedomino lindagaboardi@‏ #musedchat hi sorry I’m late!

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@minormusic Counting is counter to audiation. Is not recommended according to Gordon and I heartily agree. #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@mrstoben No, the range of difficulty is much greater when u use vocal rhthyms. Not bad, just don’t. Should do it in instl intcn. #musedchat

14May Carol Costantino minormusic@‏
@mrstoben they’ll hear the pattern first. Younger ones will imitate; older ones will apply counts #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
A4 or play melodic patterns on pitched instrument and have kids respond? #musedchat

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
@MullenMusic Did you get your question clarified? #musedchat

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
A4 Do you ever play rhythms on a non-pitched instrument and have kids respond? #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@mrstoben A4 -sing tonal patterns for class, class responds, sing EZ med and diff patterns for solo responses. Do same w rhythm #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Not getting much on Q4. Are we ready to move to Q5? Individual Assessment: What/how do you do this? #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@minormusic Breaking down rhythms is not audiation. That’s math and theoretical &is akin to counting which is counter to auditn #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
Stages are theoretical and more complicated but range from audiation the “aftersound” &going to “predicting what’s coming next. #musedchat

14May Catie Dwinal musiccargirl14@‏
RT @rizzrazz: Audiation is the ability to understand or comprehend music w/ or w/out the music being physically present. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
@minormusic Are the kids hearing patterns then or are they worried about counting? #musedchat

14May Carol Costantino minormusic@‏
#musedchat breaking down rhythmic patterns to the most common denominator facilitates execution.

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
Q4 Looking for acitivites, ex., of what everyone does to teach patterns. #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏  Types include hearing, singing/performing, reading, writing, improvising, creating, I’m missing one. #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
Audiation is the ability to understand or comprehend music with or without the music being physically present. 7types & 6stages #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Q4 What techniques /activities do you use to teach patterns? Games? Individual/Group, etc. #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@mrstoben @MullenMusic: Mastery usually requires perfomance, but dictation is not performing music out loud.#musedchat

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
Any other definitions of audiation? #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@carinavore It’s possible to audiate without singing well, but those children are very rare. .1/100Couple in each school. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
Audiation=ability to sing in tune/ability to move in a coordinated manner/ability to perform? #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Maybe we need to define audiation? #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@musiced20 Azzara is great, but I like to expand the repertoire to other tonalities and lots more functions. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
RT @MullenMusic: Seeking clarification. Audiating=hearing b4 playing &mastery would require perf. Correct? #musedchat

14May Sarah Mayer ‏@musiced20
(cont…) It focuses on teaching melodies and using simple patterns to improv accompaniments to those melodies. #musedchat

14May Sarah Mayer musiced20@‏
A4 In my beginner band lesson context, I’m using a book called, “Developing Musicianship through Improvisation.” (cont…) #musedchat

14May Carin McEvoy carinavore@‏
To truly master a pattern you must be audiating but you may be audiating without physical/vocal mastery. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
I would sing patterns on neutral syllable or chant rhthmic patterns #musedchat

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
Q4 What techniques /activities do you use to teach patterns? Games? Individual/Group, etc. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
I am going to come back to the assessment portion of @musiced20 comment. #musedchat

14May Sarah Mayer ‏@musiced20
Mastering has an assessment type feel to it. Audiate feels like they can use patterns meaningfully in a musical context. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Q3 continued. What have you experienced when working with kids? #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Q3 What is difference between mastering patterns and audiating patterns? Is there a difference? #musedchat

14May Joe Guarr jguarr@‏
RT @musiced20: Patterns can be the conversation pieces for music students. #musedchat
14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Q2 Agreed. Like words in speech. We don’t use them individually, but together as a group! #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
As thoughts come up feel free to respond as well! Just trying a different format tonight. #musedchat

14May Sarah Mayer musiced20@‏
Patterns can be the conversation pieces for music students. Students know more “words” when they have them in their arsenal. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Any more thoughts on Q2? #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
You guys don’t have to reply to @mrstoben you can just put A1,2 and #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz will return shortly #MusEdChat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Any other thoughts for advantages for ss receiving pattern instruction? #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Welcome to those of you joining us tonight. #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz
@mrstoben A2 Understanding tonality and harmonic function. #musedchat

14May Sarah Mayer ‏@musiced20
Patterns also give them the ability to use notes creatively but with parameters. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
If not, Q2 What R advantages 4ss who receive pattern instruction? #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen ‏@rizzrazz
@musiced20 Patterns provide context, in terms of tonality and function. CEG means little until you put it in a context #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Any more thoughts on Q1? #musedchat

14May Sarah Mayer musiced20@‏
@mrstoben The focus on patterns helps them retain information faster, just like focusing on pattern counting helps number sense. #musedchat

14May Eric Rasmussen rizzrazz@‏
@minormusic Iimitation is a significant step on the way to audiation. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Q2 What R advantages 4ss who receive pattern instruction? #musedchat

14May Catie Dwinal ‏@musiccargirl14
They can grasp the concept of a pattern better, it feels more concrete and not as complex #musedchat

14May Joe Guarr jguarr@‏
@mrstoben Patterns give some context #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
A1 Do we want them to imitate or audiate? #musedchat

14May Carol Costantino minormusic@‏
@mrstoben Ideally children hear music. They imitate it. Then the teacher models for refinement. #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Q1Learn to understand music by patterns vs. indiv pitch/duration. Why emphasis on patterns? #musedchat

14May Pat Toben ‏@mrstoben
I thought maybe we could take a different route tonight &focus chapter at a time and go in as Q1,2 3,and A ,1,2 3respectively #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
R@musiccargirl14 Glad to have you here. Exciting new instruments! #musedchat

14May Catie Dwinal musiccargirl14@‏
I’ll be lurking and chiming in when I can (working on project) but just got in a big box of brand new suzuki xylophones ):#musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
@jguarr Great glad to have you on board tonight! #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
@musiced20 Very cool! Always exciting when the kids play well. #musedchat

14May Sarah Mayer musiced20@‏
I’m here and ready for #musedchat. My band got a 1rating at a competition last Saturday. They played great! #musedchat

14May Joe Guarr jguarr@‏
@mrstoben Here and ready to go! #musedchat

14May Pat Toben mrstoben@‏
Good evening and welcome to #Musedchat Plz let us know you are here and a success story from this week. #musedchat